Call me Baby..when you're old enough..
Her tail wagged behind her, excited by the battle that was unfolding. True, it wasn't real, and had quickly moved from fooling around to a lesson for the young female, but that was all good. Adelle was always eager to try something new to become better. The stick came into her hands, the dog stepping back. Firmly she gripped it, holding it as one would a staff, hands spaced out at either end. Now that she had it, she just had to figure out what it was exactly she wanted to do with it.

The space had increased between them again, Adelle circling around to see if she could get the upper hand on the much more experienced warrior. Her blood boiled, the call of her ancestors loud for the pup to hear. She was going in. Her instincts guided her, a quick strike towards his side, rotating the stick to strike him again on the head if she wasn't blocked going for the ribs. The execution was clumsy in it's movement, too wide and unwieldy, but it was fast. Clearly she had at least a small idea of what she was supposed to do.

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