[M] Things to make it all better.
Word Count :: 278 OOC:

Jiva’s thoughts were meshed and confused. He figured he had lost a friend, one who could have been more and he was sure he was on the brink of losing another just because of his stupid feelings. Zalen had let him in on Palaydrin possibly liking him, and he knew she had taken an interest, Jiva had certainly taken an interest in the beautiful woman. He was also taken with Emma.... at the time. Now it seemed that would end where it was, in Inferni, after his remark. He was upset at her and she at him.

His mind was whirling and it wouldn’t stop there. It had been evident that someone had spotted him, he was upwind so the scent didn’t hit him right away, not until she was close to him. He heard the whine and he looked over at her, heterochromic eyes focused on the woman. No words were exchanged for a while, but he could certainly tell that she was worried for him, his tail curled up a little and wagged and a sad smile came to his lips.

“I am sorry, I just feel down I have possibly lost a friend and it still hurts a bit.”

He said sadly, though he did his best to keep the sad smile on his face. His mind went to the day before when he talked with Zalen. “You know, Palaydrian seems to like you.” The man had said. This made Jiva’s heart thump hard against his chest, he knew she would hear it, but he said no more. No he wouldn’t ruin anything by opening his mouth too soon.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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