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This was odd, to say the least. A predicament this troubling was certainly worth the consideration and lengthy deliberation, but in truth she did not rightly understand what she would be thinking on at all. If it was a matter of receiving the Alpha’s approval, it seemed only natural that the boy would challenge for his right to breed provided the women were receptive and willing to the conditions. If it was a matter of strength, she would be more than willing to assist in this matter, so long as it did not threaten the relationship between subord and Alpha to receive training from an exterior source. Truly, the resources were in front of him, this the Nomad could see as plain as day. But what still eluded her was the understanding that led to the reason why this vexed the young one so terribly.

But then it came to light in such a timid voice she would have nearly missed the thought had her ears not been trained forward. Thoughtfully her tail swayed as she attempted in an awkward fashion to place the pieces of this dilemma together to gain the overall picture. Anxiously, she pawed the ground. “They would not get along with each other?” she questioned with brows knitted with concern. “Perhaps you favor more than the other which might lead to this assumption? Or are their personalities conflicting with each other?”

000 words.


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