[p] devour to survive
you've killed off all the angels taking notice of you

Word Count → 266 :: Cruddypost. Just wanted to get one up. >_>

Even after she questioned whether or not others would join them, one of her comrades announced herself. Blue eyes flicked back toward the pygmy woman as she nodded in acknowledgment, and though her lips grew tight, there was no other sign of her disapproval. It wasn't that Zana was a bad scout -- she had been one for longer than the scarred Centurion, after all, and she trusted the woman's judgment as well as the advantages of a small size when it came to staying hidden. It was also nice to have someone else from the Sequoia attack, so she didn't feel alone in her wariness of their so-called allies. However, she was not clueless about the changes taking place in the lilac-eyed woman; her tiny size meant that the soft swell of her stomach was more prominent than it would have been. She just hoped the pregnancy wouldn't affect them on this mission.

The woody-brown Salsolian smiled, and Vesper frowned at her question. I'm a leader, she stated, but the vagueness of her statement showed that she didn't consider herself anything more than a leader of her own clan; she didn't want to boss these strangers around. Let's just get moving, she decided lightly, stepping away from the border and looking the strangers over again. I trust all of us to be competent, or we wouldn't be here.

The one-eared coyote yipped, listening for her raven's return call, and began the march into the woodland, keeping her head turning and nose low.

vesper lupus by alaine; table code from the Mentors!

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