she's nothing more than a snake devil
I have table ADD... but did enjoy your post!

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Ah, so it seemed that Nikita had met someone outside of the pack. Laurel knew she had wandered off a couple of times, but other than that she had been keeping up the borders when he wandered around without so much as a word. He couldn't help but have a broad smile playing on his face, tanned lips only parting to laugh when Poe confessed that she was his stalker. She also would have gotten his hat if it weren't for the notches where his ears were; the hat only slipped back on his head a little bit and he pulled it from the top of his head. Looking the worn and mostly useless part of his attire over, he couldn't help but have a sense of nostalgia wash over him. It was faded and old, so much older than he was, but he had kept it for a long time.

“Out of anything you could possibly want from me or on me, you pick this ratty old thing?” His gaze looked sharply into her own, holding a glint of mischievousness. Gripping the hat, he placed it squarely on her dark head, half expecting it to be too large for some reason and fall down over her eyes. But it didn't, despite how pixie-like she did look. “Well, now you have it. For a little while, at least,” he went on to say as he scratched the top of his head that suddenly felt a bit more naked. “So were exactly do you live around here? Or are you the kind of pixie that likes to live with the birds in the forest?”


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