A beachside home? A dream come true
OOC: A good ending place?


"Agreed," he said genuinely. He would miss Varn. Even Muaru, who he had found to be grating and obnoxious during their travels together. There was a certain fondness that stemmed from their disputes. He hadn't enjoyed the sight of Muaru being torn apart by seven other wolves...no more than he had enjoyed watching his old teacher's body break against the giant one-eyed wolf, Jantus.

Though the sun would set on this day, he hoped it wouldn't set on his friendship with his cousin Soro. The young man had made a mistake, but he intended to help the three-year-old get past that on the journey back. He would be a great warrior one day, and Asmodai hoped that this mistake wouldn't haunt him forever. He would do everything to help him learn from the mistake without crushing his spirit.

"For now, Deuce, I think I'm going to rest. Early to bed, early to rise, and there are still plenty of places I have yet to see in this pack land of yours!"

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