Stranger's Thanks
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The councilwoman nodded and listened to Hadley's response, both curious and very glad for this meeting. It was a good thing, to keep pack relations well sorted, and Ulilohi had been slacking for some time in that department. In that sense it was very fortunate that someone should stumble upon their pack, and find help here, and come back, even, to return the favor they had encountered here. Still, this joy quickly dwindled and she twisted her eyebrows in confusion. "You were a slave? To whom?" It was common in the Great Tribe to keep prisoners of war as labor, at least for a time. Sometimes they wanted to join the tribe, which was usually accepted without much discussion. It wasn't slavery per se, but as close to it as her home would ever come. Even so, the prisoners were never owned, even if they were put to work. Mostly, Ulilohi feared that this slave owner was near her pack. She would not have her tribe's pups stolen off to some brutal slave owner if she could prevent it. In that sense, this was important intelligence. And, in a sense, a compliment: it was an honor that Grace would have taken Hadley in to care for him and set him free, and despite her alerted curiosity, she felt her heart swell momentarily at that.



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