[m] Heaven Sent
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OOC: Yeah here you go :3
I found tomorrow in today

Mars had walked in and the woman was all wrapped up in fabrics that were obviously not going to fit her because of her robust belly. Mars chuckled at the antics of the woman though, for it was even silly that the woman would try to try the clothing on. She told him that rest was for the old, and that they were too young for all that. Mars knew that they were young, and they weren't getting any younger, but the last thing they needed was for the pups to become deformed, or die because of the stress that Orin would be putting on her body still. The woman had been overworking herself, Mars knew this because the woman had been travelling for so long, and all while very pregnant. He didn't like the fact that she had done it, but it was too late to fix it now. He was about to wrap his arms around the woman when she put the sash around him. He grabbed the fabric and took it from his shoulders. The fabric was more suited for the woman rather than he, so he returned the sash to her the same way she had given it to him.

She continued to speak about how they would not let her rest, that they were active as hell. Mars furrowed his brows. He quickly counted again in his head. She was over there being silly again, but Mars failed to notice because he was too busy counting. She was trying on another silk scarf when she had called his attention to her, and he looked at her, and smiled again at her. You look beautiful, Orin. he assured her and nodded his head. And I know you aren't invalid, it's just that you've been moving around a lot, and I want to help you get settled and all, so they can come into the world easier, you know? asked Mars as he looked at the woman.

He didn't know if she was even listening to him though because she had asked him about if he remembered the last time they were there. Of course. Maybe someday we should show this place to our little ones. And have a night where we dance it away. the man spoke, smile still on his maw as he watched her move away from the racks and the open room with the mirrors in it. He followed her, and he looked into the mirrors not only at her, but himself. He noticed then how long his hair was getting. He pushed it out of his eyes and he looked back at the woman as she exclaimed about her being fat. He chuckled lightly, but stopped when she asked him if she really was fat or not.

Only because of these little buggers. the man spoke to her as he got down on his knees and he put his hands on her hips, and he put an ear up to the woman's stomach. He wanted to hear them wriggling around in there. When are you little guys gonna come outta there, huh? he asked the puppies inside of the woman's belly with a smile. Where are we gonna have these little suckers, Orin? Have you picked a den yet for them? he knew little of where the woman was staying because she always insisted that she did not sleep in the same house with Krystalle and him and Mars' other children. Mars always was uncomfortable with her staying elsewhere though, and he had voiced this concern at some point, but Orin still insisted upon staying elsewhere. For what reason he could not figure out.

Mars speaks Bartholomew Speaks Hurricane Speaks

My dreams will never change.

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