Learning new tricks
    He hung the rabbit carcass on the porch rail, skinned and ready for whom ever wished to eat it. For Cypress, Anu or the pale wolfess that had come to join then as well. Or for Cassia if she needed it. Oak hunted often, finding it a release for the frustrations and displacement that had settled inside. He felt the tension, sinking deep between his shoulder blades. It was odd, a foreign thing that he did not care for. And yet he was growing used to it, used to the pain.

Blade aside, Oak took to a semi normal routine of patrolling the small orchard and farm. He looked for strangers, and though this was not -their- lands he wished to know if another loner or a pack wolf was near before they found the others that he cared about that slept among the fruit trees. The axe remained. Strapped on his waist the weapon had only ever touched the flesh of kindling, not that of an enemy.


He caught the scent of a familiar fey, and a smile instantly tickled the corners of his mouth. The russet hued male made his way towards her, and she appeared as he rounded the bend of the line of trees. He paused, finding her without the ordinary clothing that she wore. Her limbs moved through the air, in a way he had not experienced before. Oak had never been around many fighters, his mother a peaceful woman more then anything else... And his father, was non existent.


Not wanting to intrude the male said nothing, as he watched. He would only stay for a moment. 


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