Source of Life
Praised Adelle's tail wagged harder. She was trying to do well and fight back. With her new form it was a little more difficult. She was heavier and thicker than she used to be after all. Everything had to be rethought, as she wasn't able to fit into places she used to be, and did a lot more damage. Play fighting with her was more dangerous as well, Adelle unaware of how strong she was. Teeth grazed along Isa's stomach, cutting off some of the fur. She barked with excitement as Isa soared off, putting distance between them.

Isa began to shift, entering into optime form. Adelle whined a little, thinking the session was over. She had just warmed up though! And had been doing really well. Why would Isa stop it? Asked to show her optime form Adelle paused, concentrating on how to do it. It was slow work, starting with her muscles beginning to churn inside her. She felt them swell and lengthen, pushing against her body. The skin stretched as bone rotated, changing it's form. Her tail swayed behind her, helping her move to balance on two legs. Short black hair came out, chest selling out. Paws changed shape as toes lengthened, thinning out into fingers to fight with. Her back legs kicked out, pushing her body up.

At last she stood up, shaking herself out. It was a little disorienting, looking around from such a high view point. It was very different from lupine or secui. Everything worked differently. Flexing her fingers Adelle smiled at Isa, letting her friend take in her form.

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