Cold Feet
OOC: Amazing avvie

Her ears slowly rotated, coming back out from their tucked shell. Something was having a good effect on her. He stood as strong as he could, hoping that this would end soon. There was a lot of water, and the first thing Tharin wanted to do after seeing that was get her something to drink so that she wasn't dehydrated. He felt like having a drink as well after that. Her head finally pulled off from his soaked chest. Someone would think he'd been splashing in the water from how damp it was. He looked her in the eyes, tail wagging softly.

Her eyes were still very watery, but he saw a little bit of hope in it. His tail wagged as she spoke. Definitely something he could relate to. Fighting and hunting. That was what he understood. He held still as the last of the tears were brushed away on his coat. He nodded his head at her words. I can help you with that. First though, you need to rest. You look pretty worn out. After that we can start. He nuzzled her and settled down to wait.

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