i found the Reason

ooc: This takes place just after *Garnet meets Nella but before she talks to Aselm

Garnet wandered though the quiet forest of pine. The pine needles under her paws poked her pads some, but they made her foot-steps almost silent. It was rather peaceful here, though the silence could cause one to grow edgy. Unlike most of the Inferni territory, the slight breeze swelled and died over and over because of the trees and hills. Garnet had to admit it was more comforting to have the constant wind of the plains; it was like rain, it was constant and helped the female sleep.

A black nose twitched as Garnet scented a stream. After her long walk, which hadn’t been completely un-eventful*, Garnet was quiet thirsty. Panting briefly, the black female followed the scent on the uneven breeze and eventually the sound of rushing water. Her red eyes spied the small stream and she picked up the pace. She was parched, and didn’t even bother looking around after she had reached the brook. This was her second mistake. Her first one had been that she hadn’t even noticed when she had crossed the Inferni border into Dampwoods.

The only warning she had was a snarl filled with asperity before the assailant was upon her. Garnet was knocked into the brook from the blow from behind. Dripping, Garnet wheeling at her attacker, who revealed himself to be a average sized gray and white wolf. Thinking fast, she howled out for help, hoping that her cry would carry to the ears of a friend. It was quickly turned into a yelp as the male launched himself at the black female, his amber eyes blazing. She was at a clear disadvantage, because not only was he much bigger than her, he was in Optime form. Leaping to the side to avoid his snapping jaws brought her into his punch from the right. It knocked the breath out of her and sent her skidding out of the brook and onto the opposite bank. Coughing, Garnet’s vision swam as the male approached for another hit.


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