Storm in a teacup

Some power-play for me, too.

He heard running. He caught the scent in the air, it was familiar, but there wasn't time to do anything about whoever was rushing him. His honed instincts took over, his eyes sought her out in the dark...a flash of metal! The woman who charged him was fast, but covering the distance she did he had time enough to react, ready to catch the blade. Then something unexpected, she led with her shoulder?

If one thought about it, it made sense, giving him the weaker side of her body meant he couldn't take her blade, meaning that she'd have a free hand. It may have been an accident. Either way, he gave his footing to the charge as the well-built assailant collided with the side he presented her. Her arm came at him, but he caught it at the wrist before pushing it down and bringing his knee up, jarring the wrist and forcing the blade to fall to the ground. He expected to take a hit during this process (even as well-practiced and fast as it was), but switched his footing and answered with three precision blows, hoping to drive his attacker off. In the dark, the knife would be difficult to find, but he couldn't give ground now that his attacker was unarmed, lest she take the knife again.


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