History in the Making
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Down the rugged path she proceeded, bounding from one protruding formation to another with hesitance as though the stones would give way to her weight and send her sliding down the steep facade. She had yet to learn that what stood weakly atop the surface did not mean it foundations would be weak as well. The lessons of her Shepard was that there was always more than what resided on the surface, but such life lessons were abandoned for a chance to play and explore without the worrisome eye of her caretakers following even her slightest moves.

From a slick stone, she leapt to another, catching its smooth surface as well as unruly mane underpaw. A yelp sounded, disturbing the well preserved calm as she was pulled down from her would-be perch into a skid down the shallow path. She tumbled a little ways down til desperate claws latched onto a merciful stone and slowed her decent. With little heart hammering and paws shaking as they held onto to her saving grace, she whimpered in fright... fearing that the end was a plummet away. If only she had stayed with the family today, she would not be in this mess facing the jagged rocks of death below. She dared not look at her fate, knowing that the sight would only weaken her grasp to bring her to that untimely end. But she was compelled none the less to face the horror that awaited her, and with a trembling muzzle to turned to face her end... about an inch away from her feet.


Her forepaws then released and she fell with a sound 'plop' on the ground. All that drama for nothing. The pup lowered both head and ears in shame. No doubt if her brother was there he would have laughed himself silly at the pathetic state the first born had placed herself in and how helpless she looked hanging from a rock. How fortunate he wasn't around.... How lucky was she that no one was around to see.

000 words.


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