History in the Making

Current Objective:Considering days lessons.--

It was interesting to see that despite complaining in the first instance that her tail was sore she was now declining his offer to look at it. Perhaps this was some misplaced sense of pride. Or at least the recovery of said pride that had been lost in her little fall. Though her physical appearance still remained one of shame, or at least in another sense subservience. But of course that was unlikely to be the case particularly if the suspected links to her family were indeed correct. She raised her tail as if to show him that it was fine. So he let it go, believing that she was quite alright. Twas no fur off his back.

At this point he would feel her own eyes on him, and for once would experience the same case of examination that others so often felt when his eyes were on them. It was as if she was now past the point of her shame and was instead focusing on putting a name, putting a master status on this pup standing before her. He would wait till she finished her observations, the first of her words were slightly bemusing. That he was strange, was this the case? Perhaps. He didn’t quite act the same way that other pups did, not as playful in nature, more sly than energetic. More devious than mischievous

” Am I?”

. He responded inquisitively, genuinely curious to see just what this young female considered to be strange. Each had their own perspective. And he, full of questions wished to be enlightened to hers. Once again, she declined the status of curiosity before introducing herself. The name rang familiar. She was related to the Shepard of his family. And her family name only served to confirm his own suspicions, allowing him for a self-praising metaphorical pat on the head. ”Lambda”. More of a statement than a true answer.

” X’ies Lambda…”


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