a wish for wings that work
Before he even answered she was already searching the room for something to get him some water in, a cup or a bowl or something of that sort. It took her only a few moments to spot the small box of dishes hiding beneath a table near the bed. He was sitting up by the time that she turned back to him and she smiled at him a moment. "I'll be right back daddy." And she removed her hands from him, scooting away from him and leaning long enough for her to get to the box. "No. I decided not to go back to Inferni." She said quietly, unsure. Would he be disappointed that she hadn't? He'd spent so long trying to convince her to go back there and stay away from Clouded Tears, she could only assume that he still wanted her there now.

She rummaged through the box a bit more before finding what she wanted, a small shallow bowl, and removed it. Rachias was back at his side in only a short moment, dusting out the small tin bowl with her hand. "I don't wanna fight all the time." Her voice was quiet, feeling like she needed to explain herself to him. "I don't wanna have to run wolves off all the time or avoid them because I'm from Inferni." She continued on, sliding the bowl in to the bucket of water to fill it as she spoke. "I don't think they're bad and I don't think they want to hurt me just because I'm not like them." She had lived so long in Clouded Tears, after all, and no one had tried to hurt her then. Wiping away the excess water from the outer portions of the bowl, she held it up to him. "Here you go."


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