a wish for wings that work

He had always been afraid that somehow, he would end up hurting his children like he had hurt Ire (you killed him, darling). It had terrified him more than the prospect that Kaena would brainwash them into hating wolves, like some of her previous litters. It had terrified him more than the prospect of them growing up to hate him (you would have deserved it), or otherwise becoming psychopaths, products of a diseased monarch on a bloody throne. It was the main reason he had worked so hard to keep them on the desolate beach. It was true that he had also wanted to avoid responsibility, that he remained in partial denial well after they had been born, but he had come to accept everything else he had done, and his children were no different. In the end, he always took responsibility for everything, even things that were arguably not his fault.

I'm glad you didn't go back, he murmured, focusing on nothing. After all, things had changed. Ryoujoku had not appeared for many months already, but besides, she had grown up. She could fend for herself if she had to, though the innate fear would never go away completely. I never wanted you to grow up there, he whispered, tone gradually deteriorating into sadness, But there was no alternative... I wasn't safe. I'm still not safe. He was reminded, all of a sudden, that he was sick. Why are you here? his voice was cracked and uneven, What if you catch this? Forgetting completely about the water and the dryness in his throat, he turned to her, You gotta go.. he said, You gotta get out of here...


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