Why do today...
(This is back dated to May 30th, immediately following the end of Itheral's joining thread)

Every step he took on the way down to the caverns hurt. Itheral's forepaw still stung quite a bit after the unusual bloodletting ritual Alaki (as he learned his name was) preformed not long ago. The plump wolf didn't dare say a word of it though; no reason to risk irritating a superior before he'd even been assigned a living space. The further down they went, the more nervous the black canine felt. Just how far down did they have to go? The mixed smells common of a den were growing stronger, but there was something inherently different about them. Something...off. It was with no small amount of relief that Alaki brought him to an admittedly sizable den, just through a series of tunnels. Even better, he hadn't run into anymore of the bipedal creatures yet..

Without a word, Itheral trotted into the den, and looked about. It was a plain looking den, but it was large enough for him to stretch his legs in, so he couldn't complain. Well...he likely could, but the still nervous wolf didn't dare, lest Alaki unsheathe that horrible blade again. Curling up in a corner, his eyes darted around the room, mind racing. This was it eh? A few hours ago, he was wandering about, pack-less, yes, but free. Now, he felt like he was trapped, mind coming up with all sorts of horrible, terrifying figures that would likely make up his 'packmates'. If they were anything as terrifying as Alaki, the poor rotund wolf was going to be in for a world of hurt. With a soft, barely audible whimper, Itheral let his head rest upon his forepaws, letting out a long, drawn out sigh. He likely should be walking about, getting used to the new surroundings...but, with all things considered, he just couldn't be bring himself to get off the floor.


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