Fistful of Love

Yay! ^_^

Word Count → 400+

Bloodied lips spread in a broader smile when the man moved closer to nuzzle her cheek. The butterflies she hadn’t noticed were in her stomach, fluttered about and made her feel giddy. He feels for me as I do him! Her mind soared with the possibilities, she couldn’t believe how ecstatic she felt despite everything that had happened. Yet the two hadn’t discussed their night of inebriation and she had been so unsure of where she stood with the man, except that she knew her feelings for him were beyond a simple crush. No, the young woman knew she was falling deeply in love and if she were to belong to anyone, she hoped it would be Jiva.

She pressed into his snout to continue his affections and lolled her tongue out to the side in happiness before he continued, but as the red male began to talk, a peculiar smell assaulted her nose. Drin’s whiskers twitched in tandem with Jiva’s. The musky sweet scent was a familiar one. She had smelled it on Titania a few days ago. Uh oh... she thought glancing over at her handsome companion when his hand came to rest on her shoulder. It was heat, and though Drin was days away from her third cycle and was still unfamiliar with it, she knew what it did to the loins of men. A low rumbling growl tried to build in her throat, but it caught on her tired vocal chords and diminished before it could surface, and that was when her pack sister appeared.

Relief washed over the battered lady when her eyes fell upon the silver fae. Drin raised a hand in “hello” and gently nodded in reply after she dipped her head in respect to the outranking wolf. Jiva then addressed her and the young woman was surprised to hear that Fayne had also needed medical attention. Drin hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting the wolf properly as she had spent her first few weeks within the ‘Souls lands exploring the territories and staying away while her own heat cycle plagued her body and made the males uncomfortable. It was sad their first acquaintance was made with Drin lying in her own blood while being nursed over by many hands. Had she been attacked by Aram as well?

Drin’s heart fluttered in sudden fear, but she brought a hand up to grasp Jiva’s on her shoulder for her own comfort and support. She wouldn’t question the silver Lady now, but perhaps at another time, when she felt comfortable talking about what had happened to herself, Drin would seek her out to see what had happened to her pack sister. Thank you for your help the other day Fayne, I am forever grateful for such a loving sister, she spoke scratchily, her voice barely above a whisper.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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