You've gone ahead without me...

Asmodai paused his advance. The words of this wolf were incongruous with what he had perceived a moment ago. Short sword in his right hand and dagger in his left, he halted and took a moment to scrutinize the situation a bit further. Skoll was a huge wolf. While stories did exaggerate, people in the packs he'd encountered had met in him person, so Skoll must have been quite large for a wolf, where this person wasn't. Also, he wielded an axe one-handed, where this wolf abandoned his pack to use two. Further, the scarring on this male wasn't extensive enough to been noted as an important feature everywhere he went, nor were his features entirely lupine...this wasn't Skoll.

Asmodai let his arms fall to his sides, before standing at ease. It had just been too perfect. Almost gold in color, muscular and clearly built for a fighting life, carrying an axe, next to Soro's was easy to see why there had been a mix up, but he knew that part of it had been him seeing what he wanted. It would have been convenient and easy for Skoll to show up at the site of the killing, it would have prevented him from having to think things through, stopped him from having the time to choose what to do. Now that his scent hit him, he could detect that he was a member of Inferni, the volatile group that Iskata had told him about.

"My sincere apologies," he said, stepping away so that the threat hanging in the air might subside. He began sliding his sword back into his pack. "I was distraught at my friend's death, and mistook you for someone else. I am sorry for alarming you."


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