Fistful of Love
Word Count :: 332 OOC:

He was giddy now, what with Palaydrian showing more than just friendly touches and then his pack sister that was close and in heat, he could feel himself twitching a little. He knew better now, and he could keep himself under control; besides to him Palaydrian had a different type of heat scent and he found himself more attracted to it. Yet he couldn’t help letting his whiskers twitch a few times as it was a sensational scent made to entice men towards the woman. Drin’s touch helped him considerably and knew it would keep him in check. For the time being. He wagged his tail as she addressed his question, but he stayed quiet and let her continue with Drin. It was good that everyone cared about everyone in the pack and his love for it grew even more. His hands moved the papers with nerves from his giddy feeling and he would feel mean if he did not offer Fayne to join them. So when she was finished addressing Palaydrian he spoke up.

“I was just about to tell Drin that I have some paper and pens, teach her some writing, have you ever written before? She needs to exercise her wrists or she’ll be sore for longer. If you would like to join us, you are welcome to it.”

He said. He had a handful of paper. It wasn’t crisp nor was it the cleanest, but who could find clean paper around here anyway? He offered some to Palaydrian as well as Fayne. He had enough writing utensils for others to join if they wished. They didn’t have to write, but he figured it would give Drin something worthwhile to do and get her out of her thoughts. He was trying to keep her from thinking too much, to keep concentrated on something. It was hard but he welcomed the challenge to challenge the woman with different things to do without too much effort.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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