Blood on my hands
Just FYI, I'm out of town until Sunday. Just wanted to let you know my reply after this will be delayed Smile
wc 317

Savina was so lost in herself that she didn't have the slightest inkling that she was not in fact alone. The male probably could've walked right up and prodded her before she'd have known he was there. She somewhat noticed that something had wondered into the periphery of her vision, but she had taken little note of it. It wasn't until his voice broke the air that the two year old really knew he was there. Slender body jumped a little at the unexpected visitor, but she was not afraid. Simply startled. Emerald gaze turned toward this gold and brown stranger. It was a good thing that he looked more wolf than coyote, or she would've been a bit worried. The Italian girl knew about the war with the coyote clan, but she had no idea why there was one. She had no problems with coyotes, but she didn't know if the ones around here would be hostile towards her just because she was a wolf.

Was it that obvious that something was troubling her? When she thought about it she supposed it was. The wolfess was the kind to wear her heart on her sleeve. Wasn't one good at concealing her feelings, or if she could she wasn't able to sustain the illusion. "How'd you guess?" Her Italian accented words came out in a jovial fashion. Definitely not exactly how she was feeling, but they weren't false either. Savina was glad to have the company of a stranger. Someone who didn't have any preconceived notions about her, wasn't holding her to any specific expectations. Just the sort of person she would want to talk to at this moment. She liked the way he had greeted her as well. It was different, but nice. Toned legs moved away from her chest to lay out in front of her. She would look less the helpless child that way.


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