this is how an [ a n g e l ] cries.

short :|

Word Count → 000

The smell of heat was still thick, and while it was obvious Angel had picked it up, he did his best to ignore it. After all, why should she be embarrassed by it, it made her more attractive to him after all. His nose twitched as he conversed with Emmanuelle. 'Si, yes. It's very homely, I think...' he responded, looking up to the sun behind dark paw pads. The Spaniard lowered himself into the water slowly, letting rings encircle him with a relaxed smile. He ducked his head below the water, swimming close to Emma and then resurfacing. 'It is the best way to spend a hot day after all, si?' he questioned, brushing the thick black locks from his crystal blue eye line. 'It reminds me a lot of home, by the sea'.

'Not as often as I should, perhaps...' he said, sighing as he doused his head in water again. 'It's the first time I've been to this lake. I was out for a run and came across it by accident' Angel admitted softly. His jaw tightened as she licked her maw and splashed him with water. He splashed back with a gentle laugh.

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