[M]You really got a hold on me.

WC :: 550 Weee all of our threads are mature now haha! She is still in optime to heal and probably won’t be able to shift back until next month. This is the 1st day of her 3rd heat cycle. A bandage is still wrapped around her ribs, her wrists are no longer wrapped but the bruised hand prints are more visible and the rope burns are scabbed over. The poultice on her neck and inner thigh are still in place. Various cuts on her body are now scabbed lines, swelling in her face is gone except for around her right eye. Bruising is still a collage of purples, deep reds, and greens in her face on the right side. June 5th, aka two days after writing thread and 6 days after the attack, for clarification. Big Grin

She was basking in the sun, laying in a field full of flowers and braiding a swathe of grass to make a bracelet for Jiva when a shadow overcame her. Rolling to her side and lifting a hand to shield her eyes she called up to the figure standing over her, My love, what took you...ARAM! With a startled cry, she began scrambling backward in the grass and away from the coyote who was stalking towards her, but her awkward crab crawl wasn’t fast enough. The large brute was on her, putting a knife to her throat while his other hand roughly fondled her until her kicks and and struggling caused him to lift up his arm, threatening to backhand her. Palaydrian cowered beneath him while her arms covered her face and she began crying out in vain, just as she had the day she had been attacked, Jiva, Jiva, JIVA!!!

The golden girl woke up with a gasp and tears streaming down her face, but safe within the communal den of New Dawn and very far away from Aram. Her family was asleep around her and so was Jiva who was sleeping peacefully a little ways beside her with a smile on his lips. She brushed her tears away with the back of her hand and rolled over to face the wall as she tried to go back to sleep. She really ought to ask Deuce if she knew about any herbal remedy that would make her have a dreamless sleep. Lately the nightmares were starting to get more and more realistic, but always ending with her screaming out for the mohawked man. Drin shivered slightly and drifted off again, this time her dreams remained pleasant...naughty really and they involved the man sleeping behind her.

Palaydrian was on the precipice of waking up when her right ear flicked by a light breeze, Jiva’s heavy breathing. A smile started building on the girl’s face with the knowledge that he was awake and most likely watching her. Another feeling began to stir within her, but she was still groggy from just having woken up it hadn’t registered yet in her brain. Instead, the fae figured she’d play a game and started stretching her limbs out as if she were yawning in her sleep as she turned back over to face him, eyes still shut. Her left arm that was stretching out in the air, came to rest across the man’s hip and pulled him in slightly as he had inched closer to her while she was sleeping. Drin made a whining sound as if she were dreaming and twitched slightly, hoping her antics would make him crack up.

She wouldn’t mind an early morning snuggle. In fact, she wouldn’t mind an early morning...On no...I’m in heat! She thought, ocean eyes snapping open and registering the dreamy look on Jiva’s face, but she giggled softly and pulled him even closer. Probably wasn’t the best idea for both of them, but it was getting harder to fight the urges heat brought on. Morning handsome, she whispered, placing a tender kiss on the tip of his nose. This day would certainly be interesting.

Credit goes to Haley for such a pretty table! <3.

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