[M]You really got a hold on me.
Word Count :: 345 OOC:

Jiva smiled as she stretched, though the bruises and cut’s marred her fur, he still thought her a beauty beyond anything he could ever dream for. Unfortunately he wasn’t the only one the poor woman dreampt about and if he had been awake for her nightmare he would have held her close, but seeing as he hadn’t been he was oblivious to her nightmares still. He grinned as she put her arm on his hip and pull him towards her, he moved himself as he knew she couldn’t do it on the rough floor by herself. He was chuckling a little and enjoying her playfulness. That was what he knew he loved the most about the woman. She was as playful as he, and he needed a playmate, though his mind was no where near play of the normal kind.

“Good morning Sunshine.”

He said quietly to her letting himself be pulled down to get a kiss on the nose. He couldn’t help but act flirty and playful as he then proceeded to lick her nose with his tongue and sat up, and crossed his arms over his chest, a wicked smile on his face. He had never been in his optime form for this long before, but he wanted her to feel comfortable so he would stay in this form until she could change back. That was his vow. Though he preferred his lupus form, he knew that she was not use to her optime and to see someone else on their two legs would make her feel better and who better than him? He was getting an idea of how she felt about him and he was sure that things could get better but only because of the circumstances. If only he could show her he’d do anything, protect her to his dying breath if he had been there. He watched her to see what she would do in retaliation to his lick. His wicked grin still playing on his mouth daring her to do something about it.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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