The cold winds are rising.

Word Count & OCC→ 300+/ Io's met Nate before with Gemma (thread coming soon >.<)

They'd slept in late, side by side in lupus form as the sun beat down on them through the open doorway of their hut. Both of their respective fields of work had been tender to until late into the previous night and neither of them had given much though to rising much earlier than they had. Io knew she was fortunate to have others covering her role, and Jaroslaw knew he was lucky not to have hungry animals to feed. The rain from the last few days would have watered them sufficiently for now. Neither had even bothered to eat last night and so as they both slowly awoke to the sun rays, they found their hunger arise. But they lay for a while longer, until a lone hunting howl was heard from Frodo. 'Come on' Jaro yawned, nudging his mate and ignoring her protests. He went about his morning routine, shifting to comb his short mane quickly and running himself over with a wet towel juts as rapidly before sitting in the main part of their den with the door way open to watch Io rise. The coyote hybrid took much longer, shifting, then taking a more careful approach to the combing of her mane and the cleaning of her pelt. Snowy fingers secured themselves around her spear before leaving together with her mate.

The used a comfortable pace for the short distance, arriving before Frodo in a matter of moments. Io's silver eyes fell upon the child beside him gently, while her mate's feel almost steely. His height and mass didn't give him much confidence around small children, especially as he'd not yet have any of his own. The grey wolf remained almost clueless about them. 'Frodo...' Io greeted, before looking down to the pup and smiling, 'And who is this? You gotten big since I last saw you!' Jaro really couldn't see what was so appealing about the little runts that everyone craved so much.

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