Storm in a teacup

"You say you're a warrior, Hel. Any one who fights knows that someone who is trying to kill you is your enemy, at least until the fight is over. Would you stab your friend, would I draw my weapon on mine? It's completely feasible that you were keeping watch somewhere else and someone who wasn't supposed to be in the packland was, in which case treating the knife-bearing wolf coming down on me as if we were friends would be a fatal mistake." His answer was delivered coolly and deliberately. His argument made sense, and if she reported him to Iskata, he would tell Iskata the exact same thing.

"He was an adventurous spirit," he lied, knowing that even now, in his grief, he could not give up vital information. "I didn't expect to get him to come. Nevertheless, when I found him, he'd been torn up. I don't know how. I expect it was a bear." Another lie, but only one other person had seen the body, other than the killer. Bears killed wolves over food at times, so the story was possible. "He never did know when to back down."

Asmodai's brown eyes looked into hers. He knew she had questions that she wasn't asking, but he would wait for them to be voiced. He wasn't weaving any lies or giving any answers that weren't asked of him. "Is that all?"


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