Different Sight

You can have her knock him down/win/whatever powerplay in the next post. x3

The scene was set: a woman warrior and a sun-colored swashbuckler rushing at each other, their battle cries ringing. In the background, a bay mare lifted her head at the sound, ears swiveling as she watched the children at their playing—but the boy truly felt a solder in this moment. A feral grin showed sharp, un-yellowed fangs until his sword was swept from his grasp.

His teeth gnashed together from the impact as he slammed against the staff, their noses nearly touching. For a second, he tasted her breath, but then he gripped the wood and shoved back against her. She seemed stronger, but he was not about to relinquish his grip—and he counted on still keeping his endurance while she was breathing hard from her efforts. His speed and strength were only average for a male of his age, but it did take Skoll Haskel a long time to tire…

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