Storm in a teacup

Hope this doesn't just piss her off more XD

"We speak with more than just our voices," he said quietly. She had never said with words that she was a warrior, but he had suspected her just as she had suspected him, and her movement and her manner made her claim...unlikely, to say the least. If he had known what Valhalla was, he would have been further convinced against her claim. Her last question was suspect, also.

"A merchant doesn't care about such things, Hel. To a merchant, such an answer would be meaningless. A merchant, knowing there was no value to such an answer, would not ask for it. Thus, you have not asked for it, and I can not answer." He let that hang in the air a few moments, letting her jump through the mental hoops of his roundabout lack of an answer, before continuing.

"However, the truth remains plain, that I did learn how to fight. I'm sure you wonder why I keep this detail to myself. It is simple, if you take a moment to consider. As a merchant, it wouldn't be so obvious to you..." there was no mockery in what he said. The message was rather clear that he suspected her of lying back to him, but that he was willing to go along with it, that he didn't need or want for her to go against it. "But when people see a fighter, they see power. When people find power, they have the desire to use it. If it was known that I had dedicated part of my life to this path, no one here would let me take a different one. They would see value in the weapon presented to them, and seek to make use of it. As is the way with all wolves. Even if not corrupt, still they would seek to use me in a manner which I no longer wish to be used." That should suffice for her.


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