M - Say it Say it
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Charm watched the coyote lady, her purple eyes watched the lady, and a lost look of curiosity filled her eyes past the full line as she watched her beloved, spitfire mate. Even with the wicked smile Charm felt her heart thump in her chest with such a thrilling honor. The honor was all Charm’s know that this golden lady was her mate, and she did not have to share Aeron with anyone. The she wolf, took her own hand, placing it over Aeron’s hand that was upon her calico face, nuzzling her cheek into her lover’s hand. ”I thought we did…I walked over burning hot coal, and I didn’t fling my-self over that poor lamb…I wanted to. How inhumane was that?” Charm spoke very rushed, and very bitter. The she wolf understood that not everyone would have the same outlook on life as her dose. Though Charm allowed the death to happen because she knew how important it was to her beloved sweet Aeron, so she kept her mouth shut…for once.

The light bulb fired up as illuminated with in her mind, Charm smile twisted to clueless to something more angelic. Her eyes gave away that she knew what Aeron might have been talking about. ”Hmmm baby…you had better watch what you threaten me with. I have been a very, very good girl since I’ve come to you. “ Charm knew why the knife was dirt, well not overly. However she knew whose blood it was upon the small dagger. With a twinkle in her eye she gasped, a false suck in of air, as she giggled like a young school girl. ”Oh…you don’t like my gift? I worked ever so hard up cleaning them!” The Sawtooth’s tail whipped around as she couldn’t hold it still she knew what her beloved mate was talking about, but she was going to play this game for all it was worth.


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