M - Say it Say it

There was a time, when I was young

And love it felt so strong

Now it comes back to me

What's going on?

Its a lot like Romeo and Juliet

Word Count :: 000 pp with permission

Aeron smiled as Charm nuzzled her hand. She had been craving this touch wanting this woman. She loved her and would have loved to have her in the family sooner. She wished at times still that Io had not left. Aeron wanted nothing more than to have the boys, Io and charm. Maybe she’d even enjoy having Leon around. But she could not change what she had done and what was, was what was.

Charm spoke and Aeron’s golden eyes grew cold for a moment as she swapped from lover to animal. We are not human charm. I do not tie myself with them and they’re notions of humanity on animals. The lamb was not wasted its bones will go to use its meat feed the pack. We are animals, not humans. Humans forgot that they were animals and that is why they are gone and not us. Aeron spoke her voice stern. The only thing she ever compared herself to human wise would be her shape in this form.

Aeron looked at charm a death glare burned from her eyes. She did not like the fact that the overly smart calico woman was trying to play dumb with her. Aeron snarled a bit almost playfully as she reached her other hand towards charms throat. Her right hand tightly holding onto charms right arm. Don’t toy with me you’re not stupid we know that.

Aeron huffed as her left hand didn’t tightly grasp her neck but merely held her where she was. Aeron leaned forward getting close to charms face. You’re mated to a demon It’d be smart not to try dumb things. That knife was to remind me every day of all the pain I caused you. Aeron said huffing as she nuzzled her maw into charms fur letting a low rumble emit.

table by marie

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