Mischief on Two Legs


He was making the most amusing expression Terra had ever seen. It was rather like the cute blushes Claudius gained, except that Claudius didn't look terrified out of his wits at the same time. Her tail swished softly behind her, excited by his presence. Mars seemed a touch relieved by the fact that she wasn't alone, turning the subject to Kit. His words were halting, clumsy, assumptions in there that were far too awkward for her to even think about for very long.

Shrugging Terra glanced off. He's getting food. Terra was supposed to be sleeping, but she was finding sleep a very difficult state to achieve. While he was away, Terra would play. No. She liked the pack, but Kit wasn't there, and Kit was the one she was attached to. Everyone else could disappear for all she cared, as long as he remained. No one in the pack could take care of her like he did. She finally managed to close the distance, practically rubbing against him. Hi. She laughed softly, hands pressing against his chest. Want to play?

Let the night take you away

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