M - Say it Say it
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The voice that came out of her dear sweet coyote mate, was cold and demanding. She had heard that tone before, and every time she didn’t like it. This time it was no different. Charm rolled her eyes, as she looked at the female that she was so glad was hers and hers alone, now and forever. She would never share her love for this female with another soul, or another being. Charm would see to that, she would have no issue running off another suitor if one would ever come to call. ”Oh please, humans are still around...I heard tales of them. I feel because we have grown to be so much like them, that we need to be better then them, more refined, more classy. We as a species need need to slip away from the primal parts in our blood.” Charm voiced her thoughts back to the golden lover..well soon to be lover.

Her pale purple eyes flashed, a wide eyed look of surprise and shook. No one had ever do that to her...well in a playful tone, he did if Charm wouldn’t look at him. Though he was dead, and nothing about Aeron was like him, she was soft and caring(for the most part) The female whimpered, unsure of her next move or what to say next, she had never see Aeron in this state. ”Aeron....we’ve closed that chapter....Or I thought we did.” Charm really was clueless at this state, though though the mess of being lost, and trying to figure out to keep Aeron’s temper in control.

Aeron’s touch and low grow sent a pain that she had not felt in a very...very long time. Charm felt weakened by her touch and the sweet sexual smell of her lover. The pain, the quaking Charm feel down a bit, pushing herself up against the wall, taking in her bottom lip as she sucked on it. Her bad shoulder taking most of the pressure, pain was real, but the pain in the depth of her stomach was much..much worse.


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