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  • Setting: Early Afternoon, slight overcast and mild.
  • Location: Communal Area
  • Form: Optime. Nothing worn

  • One could not ask for a better day to spend with their family. The soft climate did wonders to elevate even the dreariest mood leaving the initial troubles but a memory better left forgotten. Such was the mood that became the complacent woman this day, wrapped in a soothing task that had become more a part of her than remarking the borders of hunting. Silly that creation could bring about this kind of calm; lost in the purposeful repetitions of mending and weaving while she lied upon the grass with the string of her craft above her. Should any wolf that labored look upon her, undoubtedly they would think of her a lazy leader... no more than a face meant to smile and bring ease rather than work diligently within the earth or pack. And even if these assumptions were spoken with disdain no less, too true would she smile and seek to bring ease. But it was not simply a part of her nature, but a silent response to a truth that only she and a select few knew. That just as she calmly and diligently worked in a manner that brought her peace, so had she dug determinedly into the hard earth and carved away into the mountain to create the homes her family now resided.

    A great deal of time and energy, of pain and labor went into building the caches that supplied and housed their food. The addition of malleable earth and clay that went in to making their homes livable and comfortable. The female was anything but lazy... and she needn't contest an otherwise claim toward those that did not know. But such worries were non-existent when she was surrounded by the group of select few that knew of her labors and had labored themselves to see this family comfortable and whole. She had earned her rest, and earned her little treat that was of course made with her treasured Family in mind.

    Tilting her head slightly, she looked to the tassel hanging above her. The radiant hues of autumn and fire melding together in the form of a tail ending in soft white. A simply creation, detailed with little more than bone and what details she could find. A reflection of the Evan'ule spirit... whilst the one beside it carried the creative essence of the Mareck; sharing the same tassel of the fox tail but adorned with wild flora and reflective glass beads. She tilted her head to the other side, still staring at her work through wild strands of red. Thoughtfully, she hummed... wondering what more she could add. Perhaps it was better left to whom received the tassel at add what they will; a unique element to make it their own. Yes... she could do that, she reasoned with a nod to none but herself, and satisfied she set her work aside and pulled herself upright.

    Lazily, she stretched, both arms pulled haphazardly over her head as she pulled the kinks from both with a tired smile. It was much too early to find herself in need of a nap, and too pretty a day to remain deep within the heart of the mountain. But had there been any intention of remaining inside, it was abruptly discarded by a sound call overhead. She needn't look, but extended an arm to act as a perch for her descending guide. A sudden rush of wind and a sound beat of the air greeting her face as the great bird found her forearm and latched hold. The smaller companion was not far behind, taking her uncovered shoulder not a moment later to garner her attention as well. Both owls screeched in unison, demanding as birds did for her to rise and entertain them. It was her own fault for their behavior, ignoring them for so long they had to seek her own in demanding ways. But she only smiled and didn't mind as both dug into her braided mane and became to bother whatever strand they could grab, compelling the woman to stand and walk a while, to occupy this idle time with them.

    While any other would see this as a nuisance, she saw these acts as a comfort. For while her craft had done well to distract her from the edged words that grated against her mind, when there was nothing else to do, they dug deeper with a vengeance demanding to be recalled and responded. No, these companions were a blessing to retract the knives once again and give her mind something else to mull over. Like how she intended to entertain two demanding birds of prey...

    775 words.

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