
Current Objective:Waiting to discuss things. ---
Mood: Calm-----

We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.” Andre Berthiaume

The ideas that floated in his mind were not ones that brought him any kind of ease, but then again…in his life. There wasn’t any kind of ease that could come no matter what path he chose. He shook these…feelings off like dirt, he didn’t like them. Distractions hiding him from his true goals. True intentions. Though from what he had learned thus far, if he was going to enter this family if he was going to be accepted by it then he was going to have to grow in social status. Which would actually require him being social. That in itself was a task. Lambda were by nature charismatic social speakers, what they didn’t go into though was that this ability to read people, this ability to speak with such truth and clarity came with a cost. Social relationships were fragile alliances at best, friends didn’t happen. So he would need to wear another mask if he was going to let this work. If he was going to try.

Ironic that certain things occur just when you don’t expect them to. Moving from his spot he had begun his own little walk, a journey towards their little settlement. And before him he saw that very thing that he was pondering prior. The curious female and by the looks of it, some kinds of birds. He wasn’t particularly close enough to make them out. However he would be traveling towards her.


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