It's been too long
Yus it is!

Her brother was so beautiful to her and so happy to see her, it was almost too good to believe that she did have family, real family that cared for her instead of a vile hateful mother and an abusive father.

"Yes I do. He's gotten so big since the last time I saw him." He was scared, fearful of her strangeness and hid behind Taliesin. This she could understand completely and relate to too.

"Nice to meet you too Myriddin." Tamai Waki chose that moment to fade out of their plane of existence and return to Aniwaya, he had guided Gemma this far and now it was time for her to stand alone. With the disappearance of her spirit guide Gemma looked slightly worriedly at the spot he had occupied before facing her half brother again, almost absently she named him,

"That's Tamai Waki. He chose me to guide." Some pride crept into her voice and smile.

"I came to tell you.." She stopped herself again, almost too excited to actually voice the words, "I'm pregnant."

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