Cat in the Fish Bowl
Word Count :: 244 Gonna close this out now, you can reply once more if you’d like Smile

Ovi’s eyes were wide as he watched Kohaku playfully bound over to the flopping fish and bat at it. The tiger’s stomach growled longingly but he knew what he had to do, so he went to the boy and fish and released long, black crawls from their sheaths and eviscerated the fish. It immediately was dead, and it’s pink innards glistened in the sunlight. It smelled wonderful, and Ovi licked his lips, but instead of digging in he look at Kohaku, Eat, I know you’re hungry. Pups were always hungry.

He then sat down next to the boy and wondered if he might have alerted his parents to his location. Ovi probably wasn’t safe here anymore; the pup was absolutely no threat, but what if he had the strength of a whole pack behind him? Ovidiu didn’t stand a chance against a gang of angry wolves, and so he looked down at Kohaku warily and with a little bit of sadness in his eyes, It was very nice meeting you Kohaku, maybe we’ll see each other again sometime. But I have to go now… His voice trailed off, and he stood once more and headed towards the river.

The cat splashed back into the cool water, but raised his head to look back at the pup once more, Goodbye! He called, and then ran as fast as the water would allow him down the river, and away from any danger that there might be.

Texture courtesy of Rainny-Stock

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