Take to the Sky
Word Count :: 446 OOC: Open de open to all Smile

Today was the day he was going to do it. He was going to ask her the question. Nothing would stop him. He found his present he had well hidden in the forest for Drin and he was on his way to find the siamese colored woman. His heart fluttered with excitement and anticipation. He hurried through the trees of his home towards the den, imagining the reaction she would have.

That was until he heard the howl. It made him stop dead in his tracks. The howl was for him and it was his father. His father was here to visit him! He was torn two ways, but deciding that he could ask Palaydrian later he rushed towards the border as quick as he could. He knew that being on all fours would be faster but as he was in his optime for Drin until she was able to shift he felt himself stuck in this form as well as her. He felt this would help her in her time of need and he wasn’t going to cheat. He had been pretty far off so when he got to where he heard his father he saw someone else there. Grinning he hid a hand behind his back that held the object he was going to present her with. He wasn’t sure she would be too happy if he did this infront of his own father. With the other hand he held it out for his father to take hold of. They both embraced before Jiva spoke.

“Dad! It is so great to see you! What brings you here! And I see you have met my well Palaydrian.”

He was going to say love, but he was still not sure if he should even call her that much. They had been close recently and he could barely keep her out of his sight, especially with the heat she was going through. He looked at his dad, happy to see the man just as whole as he was a few months ago.

“Drin, it is good to see you too,”

He said kindly to the woman he wanted as his mate. He bent over to kiss her cheek, but stopped short not sure if she was into showing even kindly affection off to his father. He knew how odd it was to see the grey mohawked man. The man who’s mane stayed up even after a dip in the water. He actually looked far more like his mother than his father with the exception of that one green eye and the sleek wolf body with large paws. xz


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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