Take to the Sky

WC: 463

The hug took the man by surprise and he had to take a step back from being bowled over. Laughing he patted her shoulder a little, noticing her alluring scent. If he weren’t attached to the mate he had now... well things would go far differently for them. It was lucky he loved his mate and she was Jiva’s he could tell that from the second Jiva shyly came up to her. He smiled looking over at the red boy... no he was a man now.

“Are all your packmates this excited? I should hope to meet them one by one if so.”

He chuckled, another wink and he lit up at her praise. It was true he did teach his son leathercrafting, but for the boy to hold in enough knowledge to teach it was impressive. He couldn’t help but feel even more pride for the young man. He was doing himself well out here even without his father to protect him.

“Yes I can make gloves, boots, hats, clothes, anything really. Just takes time and materials to do it. Though I think I’m more of a bird kinda guy.”

He said laughing as Jiva failed to call Marahute down, though, unsurprising to the grey male, was sucessful in calling the redtail that Niro originally caught. It was his first catch too. He said a greeting to the small bird and then asked for Marahute to come down. She obliged and landed squarely on Niro’s shoulder, which was now quite use to her landings.

“I figured I’d give you a visit, your mother is doing well, and so are your brother and sisters. Also, you are an uncle now!”

He finally announced. He patted Jiva on the shoulder, finally feeling lighter about giving the news. He was happy very happy especially since Jiva was courting someone who smelled of heat which meant she wasn’t pregnant herself. That just made the man feel a little too happy.

“Maggie had some pups not too long ago with her mate. I just can’t believe you children are all so grown up.”

The man wasn’t going to cry, no he was too proud for that, but he did just radiate with pride and joy. He loved his children to the ends of the earth as he loved his sister. He would protect them with every inch of life he had. Though now he had a sly grin on his face as he turned to Drin. He was not shy one bit.

“So are you to be Jiva’s mate then? I can’t help but notice the two of you. Just promise me you’ll keep him in line.”

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Table by Meghann!


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