Call me Baby..when you're old enough..

Out of character

Word Count → 000

Aro wanted to go easy on the girl, but that wouldn't do her any good. She had confidence, so a few knocks wouldn't harm her. Judging by her, it would only fuel her to do better. She circled in, then came forth, the stick taking up the rest of the gap as he attempted to back up. As it came to his side, he leaned toward it, arm moving with speed to wrap and catch it as it hit his ribs. It was a decent blow and he smiled looked up to her, "Staffs and the like, make good tools, however, unlike a sword they can be easily taken." If she continued to grip the stick, he would yank her closer, his leg coming out to sweep behind hers to knock her quickly to the ground. "...though....just like the staff...the swords blow can be halted some with the right technique..." He added a charming smile upon his muzzle as he gazed at her, most likely, her fallen form at his feet.

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