I'll keep my eyes fixed on the sun


Macer watched the intruder carefully now. The dark creature was aware that it had been spotted, moving with intensity as the breeze shifted. The wolfdog's features twisted into a disgusted sneer. He had no patience for insolence, especially when it involved respecting pack territories. There were few things more important to a pack than keeping borders secure.. Macer glanced at his pale leader when she bluntly explained their plan, admiring the authority of her voice.

Fighting a grin, he nodded obediently and followed when she beckoned. It was not the time to marvel at the situation he found himself in, so the hybrid instead fixed all of his focus on the trespasser, thinking of its crime against Anathema. The thuds of heavy footsteps sounded from behind them and Macer whipped his gaze over his shoulder in alarm. But it was only Anathema's grey Abigor. The boy in him preferred to impress Naniko on his own, although he knew that a group would be more effective than a pair.

The black canine saw the trio closing in and stopped in its tracks. It appeared indecisive, retreating a few steps in a thoughtless manner. Macer felt his heart pound, his face grow hot. His hackles spiked like needles along his ruff. This was an idiotic, lackadaisical creature. He truly hoped it would give them a reason to kill it.


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