Now the monster is awake
I’m going to fast forward a bit and pretend Savina already made it to SS and called for Pilot. Sorry about the PP, I can change it if you want. And James, can you send me a PM just explaining what her various injuries are? Just so I know what to have Pilot treat. :][html]

He had been awoken from his sleep by a voice that wasn’t entirely familiar to him. He had to try and wrack his brain for some sort of memory with which to match this voice. He couldn’t quite place it, but he knew it was from someone who lived near here. Maybe a Twilight Vale wolf or a Dahlia de Mai member? When he came to find Savina on Shadowed Sun’s borders though, he realized she was from Twilight Vale. He had seen her before, but had never spoken to her. Apollo had mentioned how she was teaching him Italian though. The call that had stirred him from sleep had been dripping in panic, desperation. On all fours, it was easy for Pilot to take off towards Twilight Vale. He didn’t even stop at the borders to ask what was wrong. He figured that Savina could explain to him on the way.

He had slipped the small burlap sack over his neck so that it hung slightly askew from his back, hanging down on his left side. He raced with all intentions of making it to twilight Vale as quickly as he could. The distance between the two packs was quite a ways, but Pilot pushed himself to run as fast as his body would let him. He half expected for Savina to fall behind him, but when he cast a glance to his side, she was right there with him. The panic hadn’t fled from her eyes. He knew someone was injured, but not the circumstances. He took now to ask, though used short phrases. He needed his energy to fuel his quick pace. "Who is it? What happened?"


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