
Current Objective:Waiting to discuss things. ---
Mood: Calm-----

We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.” Andre Berthiaume

She was repeating his words, behind the dirt we were just the same when it was washed off. Although Xies had a feeling that whilst X’y remained the same person. That dirt had stained her truly, and was not going to wash off so easily. He didn’t care for the actions of the owls, mind now too set in the current ways of thinking. “ Changes that are skin deep?...perhaps….”. It occurred to him that this was similar to his philosophy of wearing masks, changing personalities on a regular basis, only this time the mask was crafted from experiences, hopes, dreams and fears. The difference between them was that X’ies masks were interchangeable, hers…not so much. But every now and again, with a snarl and a claw not bidden. A peek behind her mask to the true creature.

” In core concept we remain who we were, but each individual thought, feeling….they are all interchangeable…bits of a puzzle yet to be completed….But when you take other pieces and add it to your own….the whole may look entirely different from the singular object”

In short he was trying to put across in that way he did, that she was still who she was. She was his play mate, but at the same time now that different factors had come and added in the was part of that seemed further away than ever, a past tense with emphasis. It had been who she was. But no longer. ” The wolf with mirrored eyes, seeks to avoid his own reflection…terrified of what he will see within”. A little philosophical quote from the Lambda days. Those who spent so much time ensuring that they looked good for others, were terrified of seeing what they truly were.

” Now lets see….if you still are who I remember”

For a moment his eyes would drift to the side, before he pounced at the female. In her current form she was large and he knew this. But, twas merely a game as it was in the days long past. Something that had reflected those old days, his tendency to pounce during unexpected moments.


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