What will be will be
He stayed away from everyone as much as he could help it, not wanting to interact with anyone more than necessary. Most people took his unwelcoming expression and stayed away anyway, leaving the Denahlii boy to sit alone at a table, a drink in front of him into which he stared morosely. He was so cold, he was shivering slightly despite the warm room and night. His intense hawkish eyes had dulled to a burning amber, looking so much less alive.

Unheard amongst the music and talking Honrin whimpered to himself. It was strangeness, he couldn't feel and yet he was sad. It was confusing and made him want to leave even more but he couldn't, he understood how important this party and the alliance was to Cercatori. He could think along the same lines as his mother, Cercatori was very unprepared in case anyone decided to attack them, having Casa di Cavalieri so close with so many strong fighters would be an advantage they could not do without.

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