j-it's only the wind and nothing more..
The tension seemed to mount as the woman appeared out of the woodwork. The silvery grey hued male was beginning to wonder if there were many males within the clan but he kept the thought to himself, knowing that it would not help his case if he began to pick at the build of the clan already. He would soon enough find out just what the clan consisted of or he would be turned away. The blue eyed male watched as first one of the scouts began to walk off after announcing his presence to the leading ranks of the clan, then within moments of her departure the scarred woman appeared, an aire of authority following her, making the male stand a little taller and bring himself to attention.

When Vesper asked for his information he was about to hand it over but his half sister spoke first. He couldn't help it as his ears pinned back at her manner and tone of voice but she didn't even give him time to try and figure out just what was going on before she too excused herself from the meeting at hand. He turned his eyes back to the leader before him for a moment, studying the woman as he spoke, the irish lilt to his voice heavy, "I'm DaVinci Nasphrite. Zana is my younger sister.. and my son resides here. Timori." He sighed softly as he added. "There is tension still within my family..but I wish to join the ranks of Inferni once more.. for the last time." he said, his voice firm and truthful as he raised his orbs to meet the gaze of the second in command.

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