Wake Up Call

Hope you don't mind me jumping in

Word Count → 441

The behemoth was picking about the borders in his usual way, scenting here, marking there when a hoarse cry of desperation reached his charcoal touched ears. His body halted, hair standing on end. The voice was familiar, but only vaguely. He'd never spoken to its owner, but the urgency in her voice compelled him. He crouched down to the earth and launched himself towards the sound. 'Help' she screamed, and whatever uncertainty he had before vanished. This woman was in peril. As Epsilon it was his sacred duty to protect each and every wolf within New Dawn's borders, and he aimed to do so, with his very life if need be.

He hurtled himself over obstacles, blazing yellow pools seeking the form of the distressed woman. Dirt flew beneath his paws and he prayed that he would be able to reach her in time. She screamed and shrieked a name. It wasn't an entirely unfamiliar title, he'd heard it before in the idle murmuring of his pack mates. Whoever this Amy was, she had wronged them before. His hackles roused with the thought of someone harming his family and he unleashed a snarl meant to deter whatever creature may lie ahead.

His massive body lunged forward, her need urging his steps. The world was a blur around him, but he pressed on, determined to reach her. A ragged howl sounded from his lips, a call of assurance that help was on its way, as well as a warning to those foolish enough to intrude. One hundred forty five pounds of muscle broke through the brush and the beast’s nostrils filled with scent. It stank of fear and whispered of pack. It was moments more before he saw its owner stumbling through the grasses on two legs.

Had this been a time before he would have been alarmed at the Optime form of his sister, but seeing his other family members use the form more and more it did not distress him over much. Now was not the time for hesitation, not with the silver woman in such a state. He brought himself to a halt feet from her. His tail stood straight from his spine, rigid, and his stance was wide, aggressive. He gazed at the woman only shortly, noting her various wounds. They were not severe, and he was more concerned with whatever may be following. He could smell nothing besides her reeking fear, but resolved to remain vigilant. "Hush, sister, you are safe now." He rumbled, treading carefully nearer to her. It mattered little if others were following, he was there, and he would not let them touch her.

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