Bears to Eat

When the cobra runs for her life, she goes like a whip-lash flicked across a horse's neck.

Word Count — 000 :: Bears actually have good/decent eyesight, but I went ahead and made this one funky so everything still works out. x3

As the young wolfdog stumbled and lurched out of the way, a tawny-red stream of fur flew toward the massive chest of the beast. Breath caught in the boy’s throat when he saw the hefty paw strike her, but she moved like liquid, spilling onto the forest floor unharmed. He was reminded of the grace of the vixen they’d come across earlier in the journey.

The bear swung its head and snuffled, and a pang struck Skoll as he realized there had to be something wrong with its eyesight. It blundered toward Terra, who nipped it; his own nose stung slightly as he was reminded of the bobcat slashing at him. However, the memory passed through quickly, and he jumped forward, digging his teeth into a hind leg and shaking ferociously before the bear whirled back toward him again, clouded eyes searching for his pale, moving form. While Terra’s pelt somewhat blended in with the trees around them, he was a stark cream-gold against the tree-shadows and forest floor.

Adrenaline pumped through his bloodstream, and exhilaration had replaced fear. Skoll barked obnoxiously at the bear, his dog heritage showing through, and dove in to grab a chunk of meat before running circles around the clearing where the moose carcass had fallen, waiting for the bear to give in.

Rikki-tikki knew that he must catch her, or all the trouble would begin again.

table by raze; image from wikipedia commons

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