The only people for me are the mad ones.

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ooc: It's been awhile since i've used this smexy tableness <3

She gave into his pleas, and he let out a sigh of relief. All he had to do? Make things right with Krystalle. How could he make things right with her, when things were so fucked up between them? Mars needed to think long and hard about how he was going to handle this, and he prepared himself mentally for this, or at least he tried to prepare himself. There was little preparing yourself when it came to the one person that knew you better than not only the one you loved, but also yourself. He solemnly nodded his head in agreement. He would try to make things right, he guessed, but he couldn't promise that she wouldn't flip her shit anyways. It was only natural for her to be overly pissed at Mars, because she had given up everything to be with Mars, and the woman said so herself many times, she hated Nova Scotia. She didn't want to be here. Maybe him being with Orin will let her lead her own life rather than just sticking by someone who will only love her half as much as she loved him. The fact about it was that Mars loved Orin more than he loved Krystalle, despite the amount of time and devotion the woman put into him. He gave her something to remember him by, he guessed. He almost wished he could give her more. He was too busy giving Orin all he had though. A consolation prize for Krystalle would be the children he provided her with, while Orin would be getting so much more. Or at least that's what Mars thought.

Apparently she knew what it was like to make his mistakes, even though it wasn't completely his fault, these mistakes. He failed to tell her the real reason for the birth of Amon and Paz, but he also found the reason to be rather.... unnecessary considering that he failed to even tell his own children why they were conceived when their parents were not mates. Mars pushed the thoughts of his current children and his mind went to his future children, and his life with Orin at his side rather than Krystalle. It would be different, this was for sure. This was not a bad thing though. Different could be a good thing. Hopefully it meant the end of Hurricane. That's all that Mars hoped really.

He was stuck in his own head so much that he almost did not realize that the woman pulled away from him, but the movement of his arms and the movement of warmth away from him had told him that something was happening in the real world, so he stepped back up to the plate and blinked a few times before he looked down at the woman. He moved quicker than he was expecting as well, for one moment she was beside him, and the other moment she was on top of him, making his back and rump slide back into the cushions of the couch that they sat on. He sighed contently before the woman kissed him, and he returned the passion of that kiss. When it was broken he smiled his most charming smile he could put on his face. I will take that chance with pride then, my love. spoke the male as he gave her another kiss and then he let a hand go to the woman's stomach. He wanted to feel the children that were growing inside of her. Once the kiss was broken again, he gave her a kiss on her pudgy belly and then he smiled back up at her. I love you Orin. I love you, and I love them. he spoke to her and he rubbed her growing belly with his mismatched hands.


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