[M] some kinda nerve
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


I did not mean for this to be so long. o.o Sorry.

Alma placed the pink plastic bucket filled with blueberries inside her cave. Later, she would turn it into dye or give it to her horse for food. She didn't know how to keep the berries from rotting and fermenting, so it was going to be necessary use them at some point. However, there was something more important to tend to. She had soothed her friend's worries and now she needed to confront the man who had caused them in the first place.

The coyote inspected her den, wondering if there would be anything she would need. She had no intention of attacking a clanmate, even if she thought very little of him. She just wanted to make him sorry for what he'd done, and that would involves words rather than violence. However, she had to consider that if he was the type to use a young woman for sex and then leave her, he might have other unsavory characteristics. Alma stared at the leather armour she had acquired from looting the Boreas.

"I suggest you do not use that," came her mother's voice. The woman herself was nowhere to be seen, but she recognized it when she heard it. "He might think you intended to kill him. Worse, others might think you intended to do so if he does attack you."

Alma raised an eyebrow, though it was directed at the wall since her mother's spirit wasn't visible. "You're actually suggesting I endanger my life? Are you sure you're my mother, and not some evil spirit trying to lead me astray?"

There was a moment of silence, which was then broken by laughter that seemed to come from all around her. "No, no. I do not think he will kill you. You are among your pack. There is always a chance someone else can witness it. If he is smart, he will know it. If he isn't, someone will stop him before he does. You may get hurt, but it is best that you look like a victim rather than an instigator.

The ginger coyote's eyes widened. "That's... oddly logical for you." Her mother had been distant, seeming hard at times, when she was alive and Alma was young. Cleverness like this - well, she hadn't seen it. Her mother had been too busy to show very much of a personality beyond her attempts to make Alma act more responsible.

"You underestimate me. How do you think I was able to take care of you, your siblings, and keep the pack together while Aden opposed me?

'One could argue you didn't,' Alma thought, but kept that to herself. Her mother was right, however. The armour shouldn't be used and probably wouldn't be needed, and neither would she carry any weapons with her. The man was tall, that she had seen, and it was likely that a fight would be a disaster for her in any case.

The orange coyote left her den, and set about finding him. The Caverns didn't seem like a likely place, as she went in and out of them often and rarely saw him coming out of them. He might have been one of the many coyotes that patrolled the borders, but if that was so, she'd have to circle around the whole of Inferni to find him. Alma didn't want to do that. That left one place: the mansion. If he did not live in the caverns, then he had to live there.

She inspected the outside, first. The lawn, the firepit where meetings were held, and the stables. She saw no one of his description. There were too many scents floating around to tell one from another, the recent meeting clouding things up further. Slightly agitated, the coyote prepared to enter the mansion when her mother made another suggestion:

"You could sit and wait for him. He is bound to come out... or pass by you when he needs to come inside, eventually."

She had a point, though she had to wonder what made her mother decide to be so helpful today. Alma turned from the door and set on the steps to the porch, where she could catch the sight of anyone going in or out. She wasn't blocking anyone's way, but she'd still be able to stop him if she needed to.

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