Tracking Trouble
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OOC believe it's supposed to be practice for tracking

They were making fair progress through the bush, if slower than Terra would have liked. She heard something snap behind her. Twisting she found Skoll, planted down on the ground. In a flash she was back at his side, whining softly as she nudged at him. Stepping back to where the plant had hooked on his foot she bit through. Her ears pricked up as the sounds drew nearer. This wasn't just an ordinary chase. This one knew how to track.

Crouching down near Skoll Terra thought about how to lose him. There was a stream nearby they could cut through, but that alone wouldn't be enough. Aiming for places tight in undergrowth would be needed as well. Skoll wasn't as experienced at moving through thick bush as she was, so she'd have to choose their route with care. If he managed to keep up, she should be able to get the wolf off their trail. Is your paw alright?
Wordcount :: +000

template by revo. <3 - Table and code modifications by Alex


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